The Chronicles of Keneteka
(Translated from the original Hieroglyphics)
2/12/ 2440- My name is Keneteka and my family has been living beside the great river since time began. We have a simple life, gathering crops and managing our Hebrew slaves. I am thankful to Ra for providing us light and I am thankful to Egitto, Dee, Ahy, Aker, Ammut,Apet, Apis, Duamutef, Heh,Imhotep, Imsety, Ipet, Khentamentiu, Mafdet, Mehurt, Meretseger, Meskhenet, Nun, Onuris, Osiris, Sopdet, Sopdu and to Tatenen, To name a few of the Gods I worship. I offer them homage and they accept, in turn providing for me and my family. Sometimes I wish for something more,something more adventuros.
1/12/2448 - The Hebrews have begun to revolt! They have a very powerful God on their side that can control the mighty river and have turned it into blood. I feel a change coming and do not understand it. My slaves have told me that their God is not the most powerful God but the only God, the one who has created and sustains everything. What a strange concept, I hope things settle down soon and get back to normal.
6/13/2448 - Things will never be the same, we have endured months of plagues that do not seem to be affecting the Hebrews and have no end in sight. Suicidal frogs, packs of wild animals and boils,boils everywhere. I am completely afraid of the Hebrew God, we have been warned about the next calamity and my husband refuses to respond. I have brought the cattle into the house in order to protect them.(1)
9/8/2448 - The plagues are over and the Hebrews are leaving Egypt, this is my final entry as I have decided to leave my husband and family and travel with the Hebrews into the dessert to serve their God,(2) after the things I have seen I have no choice but to do so. Who knows how long this fringe cult will last and what their effect will be on the world, but I want to go along for the ride.
This is based on a hypothetical character developed by Aaron B and written by me.
1- Exodus 9:20-21
2- Exodus 12:38. Iben Ezra states the Mixed multitude were Egyptians who fled Egypt with the Jews during the exodus.
(Translated from the original Hieroglyphics)
2/12/ 2440- My name is Keneteka and my family has been living beside the great river since time began. We have a simple life, gathering crops and managing our Hebrew slaves. I am thankful to Ra for providing us light and I am thankful to Egitto, Dee, Ahy, Aker, Ammut,Apet, Apis, Duamutef, Heh,Imhotep, Imsety, Ipet, Khentamentiu, Mafdet, Mehurt, Meretseger, Meskhenet, Nun, Onuris, Osiris, Sopdet, Sopdu and to Tatenen, To name a few of the Gods I worship. I offer them homage and they accept, in turn providing for me and my family. Sometimes I wish for something more,something more adventuros.
1/12/2448 - The Hebrews have begun to revolt! They have a very powerful God on their side that can control the mighty river and have turned it into blood. I feel a change coming and do not understand it. My slaves have told me that their God is not the most powerful God but the only God, the one who has created and sustains everything. What a strange concept, I hope things settle down soon and get back to normal.
6/13/2448 - Things will never be the same, we have endured months of plagues that do not seem to be affecting the Hebrews and have no end in sight. Suicidal frogs, packs of wild animals and boils,boils everywhere. I am completely afraid of the Hebrew God, we have been warned about the next calamity and my husband refuses to respond. I have brought the cattle into the house in order to protect them.(1)
9/8/2448 - The plagues are over and the Hebrews are leaving Egypt, this is my final entry as I have decided to leave my husband and family and travel with the Hebrews into the dessert to serve their God,(2) after the things I have seen I have no choice but to do so. Who knows how long this fringe cult will last and what their effect will be on the world, but I want to go along for the ride.
This is based on a hypothetical character developed by Aaron B and written by me.
1- Exodus 9:20-21
2- Exodus 12:38. Iben Ezra states the Mixed multitude were Egyptians who fled Egypt with the Jews during the exodus.