Disagreeing to disagree to agree
"At the start of this week’s Parsha, Korach publicly challenges Moshe’s authority and questions his appointment of Aaron, Moshe’s brother, as the high priest. Moshe tells Korach to meet him the next day for a showdown to determine who is correct. Read more
Every page of the Gemara contains a dispute and the schools of Hillel and Shamai never agreed upon anything. In halachah there is a debate about which shoe to put on first.
Why were Korach's arguments seen as heretical while Hillel and Shamai are known as great Torah scholars? Read More
"At the start of this week’s Parsha, Korach publicly challenges Moshe’s authority and questions his appointment of Aaron, Moshe’s brother, as the high priest. Moshe tells Korach to meet him the next day for a showdown to determine who is correct. Read more
Every page of the Gemara contains a dispute and the schools of Hillel and Shamai never agreed upon anything. In halachah there is a debate about which shoe to put on first.
Why were Korach's arguments seen as heretical while Hillel and Shamai are known as great Torah scholars? Read More