
The Force Awakens in Umberto
We are all created in G-D’s image. Only when we realize this can we actualize our true potential.
On July 28th 1900 the second to last King of Italy (Umberto) visited a small restaurant for dinner. When the owner took King Umberto's order, the King noticed that he and the restaurant owner were virtual doubles, in face and in build. Both men began discussing the striking resemblances between each other and found many more similarities.
1) Both men were born on the same day, of the same year, (March 14th, 1844).
2) Both men had been born in the same town.
3) Both men married a woman with same name, Margherita.
4) The restaurateur opened his restaurant on the same day that King Umberto was crowned King of Italy.
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Who is in?
Every ritual tells a story.
The Torah reading during Shabbat services is a reenactment of Har Sinai, according to Rav Soloveitchik. In this week’s parsha after 7 perniciously painful plagues Pharaoh finally acquiesces and concedes to Moshe’s request to allow the Jewish people a three day pilgrimage into the wilderness to serve God. Pharaoh inquires, “Who is going on this religious endeavor?” Moshe responds “with our youth and with our elders we will go, with our sons and with our daughters” that is who will be participating in this religious experience. Pharaoh says only the men need to go. That experience would eventually turn out to be the giving of the Torah.
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Time connects soul to space....
A transition is made from slavery to freedom this week in Parshat Bo. The Jews leave Egypt and are given there first official commandment as a nation. They are instructed to bless the new moon, to create a calendar system. Read More
Cheer for Beer
Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.
In this week’s Parsha the final three plagues are inflicted upon Egypt. The final plague, the death of the first born was done by God personally. One reason for the plagues is to demonstrate for all time God’s active involvement in world affairs. Echos of the exodus reverberate throughout history. Read More
We are all created in G-D’s image. Only when we realize this can we actualize our true potential.
On July 28th 1900 the second to last King of Italy (Umberto) visited a small restaurant for dinner. When the owner took King Umberto's order, the King noticed that he and the restaurant owner were virtual doubles, in face and in build. Both men began discussing the striking resemblances between each other and found many more similarities.
1) Both men were born on the same day, of the same year, (March 14th, 1844).
2) Both men had been born in the same town.
3) Both men married a woman with same name, Margherita.
4) The restaurateur opened his restaurant on the same day that King Umberto was crowned King of Italy.
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Who is in?
Every ritual tells a story.
The Torah reading during Shabbat services is a reenactment of Har Sinai, according to Rav Soloveitchik. In this week’s parsha after 7 perniciously painful plagues Pharaoh finally acquiesces and concedes to Moshe’s request to allow the Jewish people a three day pilgrimage into the wilderness to serve God. Pharaoh inquires, “Who is going on this religious endeavor?” Moshe responds “with our youth and with our elders we will go, with our sons and with our daughters” that is who will be participating in this religious experience. Pharaoh says only the men need to go. That experience would eventually turn out to be the giving of the Torah.
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Time connects soul to space....
A transition is made from slavery to freedom this week in Parshat Bo. The Jews leave Egypt and are given there first official commandment as a nation. They are instructed to bless the new moon, to create a calendar system. Read More
Cheer for Beer
Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.
In this week’s Parsha the final three plagues are inflicted upon Egypt. The final plague, the death of the first born was done by God personally. One reason for the plagues is to demonstrate for all time God’s active involvement in world affairs. Echos of the exodus reverberate throughout history. Read More