Holy Canoli This week’s parsha contains a group of seemingly random commandments put forth in a haphazard sequence. Shabbat, honoring parents, idol worship, dont steal. When analyzing a Parsha as a complete unit, we assume all these disparate ideas have a unifying or several central themes, this is called an assumption of coherence. Science has the same assumption of coherence in regards to the universe. When experiments are conducted an assumption that the universe is understandable, repeatable and coherent is built in. Read More |

This week we patiently count the days awaiting Shavuot, the celebration of receiving the Torah.
The Gemara in Shabbat (Daf 88B-89A)discusses when Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Heaven to receive the Torah. When the angels saw G-d giving the Torah to Moshe who was a human, they instantly protested and demanded that the Torah should be given to them the holy angels. G-d commanded Moshe to answer the angels.Read More
The Gemara in Shabbat (Daf 88B-89A)discusses when Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Heaven to receive the Torah. When the angels saw G-d giving the Torah to Moshe who was a human, they instantly protested and demanded that the Torah should be given to them the holy angels. G-d commanded Moshe to answer the angels.Read More