Building a Social Network
... “If you want to influence someone’s behavior, it helps to ask who they know. Thanks to the groundbreaking research of Nick Christakis and others, there is now a mounting body of evidence showing that a range of our behaviors and attitudes are influenced by our social networks. Your friends help shape whether or not you smoke, if you can lose weight, how happy you say you are, where you live and what you buy." Read More Why did G-d create the World? For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about the giving of the Torah. This was a revelation from above to below. God revealing himself to the Jewish people from the heavens above to the earth below. This week's parsha begins with the command for us to construct a sanctuary so that God may dwell among us. We are charged with creating a revelation of God from below to above. Read More If it’s not practical, it’s not spiritual This week’s Parsha deals with the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), a dwelling place for God. The raw materials that were needed are detailed at the outset; gold, precious stones, acacia wood, oil, ram skins, etc... Read More The fractal nature of reality and the natural reality of the fractal. This week's parasha is explicitly detailed about the Mishkan. The Torah contains 2 chapters discussing the creation of the universe, the Mishkan gets 13 chapters. Why is so much attention given to the Mishkan? Read More |