The Chronicles of Keneteka
(Translated from the original Hieroglyphics)
2/12/ 2440- My name is Keneteka and my family has been living beside the great river since time began. We have a simple life, gathering crops and managing our Hebrew slaves. I am thankful to Ra for providing us light and. Read More.
Quantum uncertainty
The exodus from Egypt begins this week. In parshat Vaerah seven of the ten plagues are dolled out. The Egyptian nation is punished for the harsh slavery they forced upon the Jews. Read More
Sensing sensitivity
In this week's parsha the first seven plagues are sent upon the Egyptians. For the first three Aaron, not Moshe initiates them by striking the Nile river and the earth. Moshe did not bring about the plagues because he had Hakarat Hatov(gratitude for the good or appreciation) towards these inanimate objects. Read More
How the Torah invented Science
In this week’s parsha 7 out of the 10 plagues are visited upon the Egyptian people. Why so many plagues? How come G-D just doesn’t bring the last plague the death of the first born and get the Jews out of Egypt? Read more.
(Translated from the original Hieroglyphics)
2/12/ 2440- My name is Keneteka and my family has been living beside the great river since time began. We have a simple life, gathering crops and managing our Hebrew slaves. I am thankful to Ra for providing us light and. Read More.
Quantum uncertainty
The exodus from Egypt begins this week. In parshat Vaerah seven of the ten plagues are dolled out. The Egyptian nation is punished for the harsh slavery they forced upon the Jews. Read More
Sensing sensitivity
In this week's parsha the first seven plagues are sent upon the Egyptians. For the first three Aaron, not Moshe initiates them by striking the Nile river and the earth. Moshe did not bring about the plagues because he had Hakarat Hatov(gratitude for the good or appreciation) towards these inanimate objects. Read More
How the Torah invented Science
In this week’s parsha 7 out of the 10 plagues are visited upon the Egyptian people. Why so many plagues? How come G-D just doesn’t bring the last plague the death of the first born and get the Jews out of Egypt? Read more.