Very rarely is there a one to one correspondence among abstract terms and concepts in different languages. This disconnect is why the members of the Sanhedrin ( High Court) had to understand every language, they had to hear testimony in its original language, it was not to be filtered.
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Who Really Counts in Judaism?
This week’s parsha details the counting of the Jewish people in the desert. The Torah is an eternal document, meaning every section must contain a timeless, universal message. What relevance does an ancient Jewish census have to Jews in America today? Read More
Very rarely is there a one to one correspondence among abstract terms and concepts in different languages. This disconnect is why the members of the Sanhedrin ( High Court) had to understand every language, they had to hear testimony in its original language, it was not to be filtered.
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Who Really Counts in Judaism?
This week’s parsha details the counting of the Jewish people in the desert. The Torah is an eternal document, meaning every section must contain a timeless, universal message. What relevance does an ancient Jewish census have to Jews in America today? Read More