Everyone gets a certain amount of days off per year.Generally we want to try and spend those days having fun. We schedule vacations, we have labor day barbecues and try and have a good time and relax. Last year when I took off for Rosh Hashanh I told my boss that I had to take off for Jewish new year. She, as well as others pictured what new years is like in New York and said "Have Fun!". As anyone who has experienced Rosh Hashanh can tell you, I would not describe it as a fun time .
Chacham Grossman makes a great point when it comes to the difference between jewish and non-jewish new year. In America we celebrate our new year by drinking, partying and staying out all night counting down the seconds until the year is over. New year on the other hand for the Jews is A solemn and serious day. It is a day when every person must reflect on their actions of the past year. We are instructed to take stock of all our relationships and ask for forgiveness from everyone.
These divergent methods of greeting the new year give us insight into the Jewish perspective regarding our brief time here on earth and how we spend it. On December 31 we count down ten seconds until the end of the year, this is the high point of the celebration. The preparation for the Jewish new year begins one month in advance, during Elul. It is not over when the year begins again but there is a ten day period of repentance that is connected to the day. We count up.
The essence of the Jewish New Year is reflection, looking back on the past and learning from our mistakes. Although this is a difficult process for everyone in the long run it will lead to a more fulfilling and ultimately enjoyable life. As Socrates put it " The unexamined life is not worth living'
Chacham Grossman makes a great point when it comes to the difference between jewish and non-jewish new year. In America we celebrate our new year by drinking, partying and staying out all night counting down the seconds until the year is over. New year on the other hand for the Jews is A solemn and serious day. It is a day when every person must reflect on their actions of the past year. We are instructed to take stock of all our relationships and ask for forgiveness from everyone.
These divergent methods of greeting the new year give us insight into the Jewish perspective regarding our brief time here on earth and how we spend it. On December 31 we count down ten seconds until the end of the year, this is the high point of the celebration. The preparation for the Jewish new year begins one month in advance, during Elul. It is not over when the year begins again but there is a ten day period of repentance that is connected to the day. We count up.
The essence of the Jewish New Year is reflection, looking back on the past and learning from our mistakes. Although this is a difficult process for everyone in the long run it will lead to a more fulfilling and ultimately enjoyable life. As Socrates put it " The unexamined life is not worth living'