The fractal nature of reality and the natural reality of the fractal.
This week's parasha is explicitly detailed about the Mishkan. The Torah contains 2 chapters discusing the creation of the universe, the Mishkan gets 13 chapters. Why is so much attention given to the Mishkan?
What we learn on one level, applies to all levels. This is a key lesson of the Mishkan. What we learn about the mishkan , we learn about ourselves and about the universe, because all is one. To grasp a piece of infinty is to own the whole thing.
An object is said to be self similar if it looks "roughly" the same on any scale. Man, the Mishkan and the Universe are like Russian nesting dolls. The Aron Kodesh is simular to these dolls. It is a box within a box within a box. At every level of detail it has the same form.
Rambam points out, the Mishakan was constructed using three gradations of life. Stones which are inanimate, Vegetative life and finally animal/ human life.
Humanity Time Space
- The Nations of the World Chol (weekday) - The entire world
- The Jewish People- Shabbos which is called holy - Israel
- The Tribe of Levi Yom Kippur, Holy of holies - Jerusalem
*The Tribe of Levi Calendar Sections in the Mishkan
Leviim Day The courtyard
Kohanim Month The Kodesh section
Kohen Gadol Year The Kodesh Hakodushem
* The Kohen Gadol, on Yom kipur would enter the Kodesh Hakodushim, in Jerusalem which housed the Aron Kodesh. Within the Aron Kodesh was a scroll containing the instructions for the creation of the Aron Kodesh, the other objects and the procedure for the ceremony to be held on Yom Kippur. The Torah, The Mishkan and Jewish history form A strange loop.
How do we take the lessons of the Mishkan and apply them to our life and the world?
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