Friends don't let friends drive drunk.
In this week's Parshah we learn about the rules that apply to the Kohen Gadol (High Preist). He is not permitted to attended the funeral of a close family member who passes away because he is not allowed to become Tamei (ritually impure).
Why are the rules so strict for the Kohen Gadol? Why can't he attend the funeral of his father?
The greatest sacrifice the Kohen Gadol brings is himself, he gives up his personal life. The Kohen Gadol gives up his freedom when he becomes the High Priest.The Kohen Gadol belongs to the Bais Hamikdash, he belongs to the Jewish people.
"Kohanim are not supposed to drink any wine."- Vayikrah
Efraim Herstic brings down a brillant Mashel (analogy). The Kohen Gadol is like the designated driver at a party. He must make sacrifices for the good of the rest of the group, he can not even have one drink, the Kohen Gadol is not allowed to leave the Bais Hamikdash at all. There must be at least one person who is not Tamei, who can redeem us no matter how impure we are, that man is the Kohen Gadol.
We have no Kohen Gadol today but we do have people who make great personal sacrifices for the good of the community. Hatzolah is the largest volunteer ambulance service in New York. The members of Hatzolah, when they are on call, are prohibted from drinking any alcohol. On Purim, Simchat Torah, even on the night of the seder on Pesach members of Hatzolah are forgoing personal pleasure to serve the community.
This Shabbos let us try and appreciate the personal sacrifices others make on behalf of the community.
Shabbat Shalom
Daniel Epstein
Number for Hatzolah in Queens - 718-387-1750
In this week's Parshah we learn about the rules that apply to the Kohen Gadol (High Preist). He is not permitted to attended the funeral of a close family member who passes away because he is not allowed to become Tamei (ritually impure).
Why are the rules so strict for the Kohen Gadol? Why can't he attend the funeral of his father?
The greatest sacrifice the Kohen Gadol brings is himself, he gives up his personal life. The Kohen Gadol gives up his freedom when he becomes the High Priest.The Kohen Gadol belongs to the Bais Hamikdash, he belongs to the Jewish people.
"Kohanim are not supposed to drink any wine."- Vayikrah
Efraim Herstic brings down a brillant Mashel (analogy). The Kohen Gadol is like the designated driver at a party. He must make sacrifices for the good of the rest of the group, he can not even have one drink, the Kohen Gadol is not allowed to leave the Bais Hamikdash at all. There must be at least one person who is not Tamei, who can redeem us no matter how impure we are, that man is the Kohen Gadol.
We have no Kohen Gadol today but we do have people who make great personal sacrifices for the good of the community. Hatzolah is the largest volunteer ambulance service in New York. The members of Hatzolah, when they are on call, are prohibted from drinking any alcohol. On Purim, Simchat Torah, even on the night of the seder on Pesach members of Hatzolah are forgoing personal pleasure to serve the community.
This Shabbos let us try and appreciate the personal sacrifices others make on behalf of the community.
Shabbat Shalom
Daniel Epstein
Number for Hatzolah in Queens - 718-387-1750