This week's parshah begins with the story of Bilam. The majority of the parshah is a narrative from the villan Bilam's perspective.
If the Torah is the story of the Jews why does it have this side narrative of Bilam?
Different perspectives on the same story add unseen layers, (the new Arrested Development season, Akutigawa - In a grove) each side to the story gives us not only more information,but more depth.
The added value of multiple narratives is not only the additonal facts, but in understanding the mindset of the charchters. Each person's emotions and motives contain truth.
An angel with a sword was blocking Bilam's path, Bilam could not see it but his donkey could.
A lesson of Bilam's side story is, don't discount anyones perspective when ascertaining the truth. Emotions contain as much truth as facts, the next time you are speaking with someone look them in the eyes the entire time and try and listen to not only the facts they are telling you but the deeper layer of emotions they are conveying.