Choose your fate, but don't be late- Ben Franklin
1. Historically, most Jews were born Jewish. Until the 20th century they were Jews by chance not by choice. In this weeks parshah we recieve the Torah! Following Yitro's visit is the giving of the Torah. Before receiving the Torah, the Jewish people were told to prepare for three days and go to the Mikvah. These pesukim are halachic sources pertaining to conversion.
2. When did the Jewish people start? Abraham had a Bris Milah (circumcision),but did not receive theTorah.The Jews in Parshat Yitro went to Mikvah and received the Torah but did not have Bris Milah.
3. It is unclear when the Jewish people started. The Jews received the Torah in Parashat Yitro, named after a man who was not born Jewish. [Some commentators say Yitro converted.] Abraham's mother was not Jewish. If the nation started at Har Sinai (Mount Sinai ) then all the Jewish people are descendents of a nation that was not born into their destiny but chose it.
4. In this post modern world the Jews have escaped the ghetto. Post enlightenment, Jews are no longer confined to ethnic enclaves because of the lottery of birth. Jews are easily able to leave their heritage behind as never before. High assimilation and intermarriage rates in this country attest to that . However this situation has simultaneously created a new Jew.
With this freedom available, many who are born Jewish in America today can choose to ignore their spiritual heritage, those who stay are Jews by choice not by chance. Circling back to the mountain that the Jews received the Torah on, by choice, Kol Asher Davar Hashem Neaseh.- Everything Hashem has spoken we shall do.
What about Yackov? We are Bnai Yisroel
Shabat Shalom , Dan
1. Historically, most Jews were born Jewish. Until the 20th century they were Jews by chance not by choice. In this weeks parshah we recieve the Torah! Following Yitro's visit is the giving of the Torah. Before receiving the Torah, the Jewish people were told to prepare for three days and go to the Mikvah. These pesukim are halachic sources pertaining to conversion.
2. When did the Jewish people start? Abraham had a Bris Milah (circumcision),but did not receive theTorah.The Jews in Parshat Yitro went to Mikvah and received the Torah but did not have Bris Milah.
3. It is unclear when the Jewish people started. The Jews received the Torah in Parashat Yitro, named after a man who was not born Jewish. [Some commentators say Yitro converted.] Abraham's mother was not Jewish. If the nation started at Har Sinai (Mount Sinai ) then all the Jewish people are descendents of a nation that was not born into their destiny but chose it.
4. In this post modern world the Jews have escaped the ghetto. Post enlightenment, Jews are no longer confined to ethnic enclaves because of the lottery of birth. Jews are easily able to leave their heritage behind as never before. High assimilation and intermarriage rates in this country attest to that . However this situation has simultaneously created a new Jew.
With this freedom available, many who are born Jewish in America today can choose to ignore their spiritual heritage, those who stay are Jews by choice not by chance. Circling back to the mountain that the Jews received the Torah on, by choice, Kol Asher Davar Hashem Neaseh.- Everything Hashem has spoken we shall do.
What about Yackov? We are Bnai Yisroel
Shabat Shalom , Dan
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