Rav Yisroel Salanter had a Chumrah (stringency) when baking matzas. He said you must make sure that the ladies who are working get to take breaks, are given enough water and are not worked too hard.
Tikun : A cosmic repair, fix or rectification . For example, on Shavuos we stay up all night because on the first shavuos, when the Torah was given we slept late.
The song Dayenu makes no sense, some lines are dependent on each other. For example if G-D took us out of Egypt and did not give us the Torah what would the point be ? It makes no sense. Dayenu is a tikun , a repair, the Jews in the desert complained . Their complaints did not make any sense , they asked to go back to Egypt. We rectify the behavior of our ancestors by being overly appreciative, in ways that don't make sense.
From the end of Paysach until Shavous many people have the tradition to study Pirkeh Avot. During this time a great plague struck Rebbe Akiva's students because they did not respect each other.
Pirkeh Avot is all about treating others with respect. Studying Pirkeh Avot and living the lessons is a tikun for Rebbe Akiva's students.
During this time we can achieve great growth in a short period of time. Use this time wisely, and be nice to the ladies making matzah.
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