The only thing that is certain is change
It used to be, in America you got a job out of college, you worked for the same company your whole career and you retired with a pension. Today the average American works for 8 companies by the time he is 35. It is very hard to get a job out of college and the pension is a thing of the past. In the words of Bob Dylan the times they are a changing. But change is nothing new, actually instability is the most reliable thing there is. Embracing the ever changing universe is a key aspect of Sukkot and a major theme of Kohelet. Read More. Sukkot Meditations Sukkot is the only outdoor holiday. For one week a year we step outside our house, our comfort zone and we step into the Sukkah. When people used to ask Rav Zalmen Schachter Shlomi what does the Sukkah mean? He used to turn the question on them and ask, What is the Sukkah saying to you? In order to hear the song of the Sukkah and the song of the universe we must develop an ability to listen, to observe and to focus. Read More. |