Lech Lecha
Make sales not excuses.
Chacham Grossman not only told me this Dvar Torah he showed it to me.
1. Last week we read about Noah and the flood. How many people did Noah convince to come with him on the ark, how many sales did he make? Zero, his family went with him and no one else. Your family is pretty much forced to go along with you on any of your crazy schemes.
1. This week we are introduced to Abraham. Abraham is a man of faith and a natural leader. The text tells us he took the souls that he made in Charan with him. He already had a following. Abraham is one of the most popular and influential leaders of all time. Over 3 billion Muslims, Christians and Jews revere Abraham. If he had a TV show it would be titled, Everyone loves Abraham.
2. Why was Abraham able to convince so many people? Monotheism has had a tremendous impact on the world, while Noah was not as influential.
3. Noah shared some of the responsibility for the flood. In the Prophets the flood is referred to as the waters of Noah. Noah waited for it to start raining before he went into the ark. He did not have full faith in G-D .
3. Abraham is told to get up and leave his hometown and he does so with no questions. Abraham passed ten trials of his faith. He believed in G-D’s kindness. Noah lacked the conviction in his words an attitude which was Abraham’s greatest asset.
4. When you are exposed to a good teacher or a good salesman they are excited about the material or the product they are speaking about. You can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. The enthusiasm is infectious and it spreads to the students and clients. It is not something that can be faked. In order to be a great salesman you must truly believe in what you are selling.
Chacham Grossman not only told me this Dvar Torah he showed it to me.
1. Last week we read about Noah and the flood. How many people did Noah convince to come with him on the ark, how many sales did he make? Zero, his family went with him and no one else. Your family is pretty much forced to go along with you on any of your crazy schemes.
1. This week we are introduced to Abraham. Abraham is a man of faith and a natural leader. The text tells us he took the souls that he made in Charan with him. He already had a following. Abraham is one of the most popular and influential leaders of all time. Over 3 billion Muslims, Christians and Jews revere Abraham. If he had a TV show it would be titled, Everyone loves Abraham.
2. Why was Abraham able to convince so many people? Monotheism has had a tremendous impact on the world, while Noah was not as influential.
3. Noah shared some of the responsibility for the flood. In the Prophets the flood is referred to as the waters of Noah. Noah waited for it to start raining before he went into the ark. He did not have full faith in G-D .
3. Abraham is told to get up and leave his hometown and he does so with no questions. Abraham passed ten trials of his faith. He believed in G-D’s kindness. Noah lacked the conviction in his words an attitude which was Abraham’s greatest asset.
4. When you are exposed to a good teacher or a good salesman they are excited about the material or the product they are speaking about. You can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. The enthusiasm is infectious and it spreads to the students and clients. It is not something that can be faked. In order to be a great salesman you must truly believe in what you are selling.
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