Every page of the Gemara contains a dispute and the schools of Hillel and Shamai never agreed upon anything. In halachah there is a debate about which shoe to put on first.
Why were Korach's arguments seen as heretical while Hillel and Shamai are known as great Torah scholars?
If you went to a commodities trading floor you would think it was anarchy . People yelling in each direction, papers flying numbers and bells ringing. The truth is its a very productive environment. People are not mad at each other, they are all actually working together for everyone's benefit.
When the schools of Hillel and Shamai where debating they both had a constructive goal, to arrive at the truth. Korach on the other hand was not focused on the truth he had his own personal agenda.
Next time you are about to complain ask yourself , will this serve a purpose? Is this constructive or for personal gain?
Why were Korach's arguments seen as heretical while Hillel and Shamai are known as great Torah scholars?
If you went to a commodities trading floor you would think it was anarchy . People yelling in each direction, papers flying numbers and bells ringing. The truth is its a very productive environment. People are not mad at each other, they are all actually working together for everyone's benefit.
When the schools of Hillel and Shamai where debating they both had a constructive goal, to arrive at the truth. Korach on the other hand was not focused on the truth he had his own personal agenda.
Next time you are about to complain ask yourself , will this serve a purpose? Is this constructive or for personal gain?