Ki Tisa

In Parashat Ki Tisa the construction of the Mishkan is discussed, then Shabbat is mentioned followed by the sin of the Golden Calf. After the sin, Moshe melted the calf down, mixed it with water and forced the entire nation to drink it.
רפוי לפני המקה
The menorah in the Mishkan was constructed of pure gold as was the golden calf. Objects can be utilized for constructive or destructive means it is our intention that demines this factor. For example wine and gold, both are used for holiness in the Mishakan and have caused strife through out history. The cure for a snake bite is antivenin made from the very venom that infected you in the first place. The same substance can be used to cure or kill. Within the Makah is the refuah, within the illness is the cure.
The waters of the golden calf are similar to the waters of the Sotah. If a man accuses his wife of infidelity she goes to the Bais Hamikdash and drinks the Sotah water. If she is innocent the water will help her conceive.
The items in the Mishkan were extremely difficult to construct. The Menorah was made from a single chunk of gold, just like the golden calf. The Jews needed someone with amazing talent to build the Mishkan.
"If more people valued food and song and good cheer over hoarded gold, the world would be a better place"
- J.R.R. Tolkin
Bezalel is mentioned as being appointed to construct the Mishkan, (He was Chabad) he was given his talents long before the people knew a Mishkan would be created. The Ahron (ediface that holds the Tablets) is mentioned in the Torah before the Luchot are given. The antivenin for the love of gold is Shabbat. The manner in which we utilize the physical world is our free choice. We can use gold and wine and elevate ourselves and the instruments themselves or they can be dragged down with us.
Shabbat is a time when we step back from the material world, we don't create we appreciate. We don't save we savor, we enjoy our possessions not hunger for more. The Jews had to learn a lesson by drinking the Golden Calf, Moshe was telling them they need to internalize their connection to Hashem, this is what we do on Shabbat.
רפוי לפני המקה
The menorah in the Mishkan was constructed of pure gold as was the golden calf. Objects can be utilized for constructive or destructive means it is our intention that demines this factor. For example wine and gold, both are used for holiness in the Mishakan and have caused strife through out history. The cure for a snake bite is antivenin made from the very venom that infected you in the first place. The same substance can be used to cure or kill. Within the Makah is the refuah, within the illness is the cure.
The waters of the golden calf are similar to the waters of the Sotah. If a man accuses his wife of infidelity she goes to the Bais Hamikdash and drinks the Sotah water. If she is innocent the water will help her conceive.
The items in the Mishkan were extremely difficult to construct. The Menorah was made from a single chunk of gold, just like the golden calf. The Jews needed someone with amazing talent to build the Mishkan.
"If more people valued food and song and good cheer over hoarded gold, the world would be a better place"
- J.R.R. Tolkin
Bezalel is mentioned as being appointed to construct the Mishkan, (He was Chabad) he was given his talents long before the people knew a Mishkan would be created. The Ahron (ediface that holds the Tablets) is mentioned in the Torah before the Luchot are given. The antivenin for the love of gold is Shabbat. The manner in which we utilize the physical world is our free choice. We can use gold and wine and elevate ourselves and the instruments themselves or they can be dragged down with us.
Shabbat is a time when we step back from the material world, we don't create we appreciate. We don't save we savor, we enjoy our possessions not hunger for more. The Jews had to learn a lesson by drinking the Golden Calf, Moshe was telling them they need to internalize their connection to Hashem, this is what we do on Shabbat.
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