This week is Shabbos Shirah, the Shabbat of Song. This week's parsha we read about the Jews singing the praises of God after witnessing the Egyptian enemy destroyed in front of them at the Yam Suf (Red Sea).
Music has the power to stir emotions in my soul unlike any other experience. I am routinely enraptured by song. Music is a unique encounter with the divine.
During one such encounter in Shul, I was appreciating the Chazan's voice and I became envious and jealous. Not of this specific person but of the ability to praise God through music, to express emotions through music. I slipped into this state of depression and despair, because although people are always asking me to sing solo, usually they are asking me to sing so low no one can hear me.
But then all of the sudden a thought entered my mind and it warmed my soul like the opening notes of a beautiful symphony or that Asian man with one string that plays in the subway. All of the sudden a newfound sense of purpose and excitement entered my mind.
Some people have a great voice, but if everyone had a great voice there would be no such thing as great singers. Take walking for example, some people can not do it, but almost everyone is a competent walker and so nobody appreciates someone who just walks.
For music appreciation to exist some people need to listen in order for there to be great singers. There needs to be some people who can't sing, some people need to be great listeners. This great Chazan needs me just as much as I need him. We have a symbiotic relationship. My role is just as important as his.
The listener singer relationship has many similarities to the student teacher relationship . In ancient Native American culture there is a medicine/religion/philosophy practitioner called a Shaman. One can not be a Shaman unless you have a student/patient.
This is one of the Jewish peoples role in this world- to sing the praises of God with joy and excitement. This is the completion and purpose of creation, to praise God. "Let every Soul praise God, Hallelujah"
Music has the power to stir emotions in my soul unlike any other experience. I am routinely enraptured by song. Music is a unique encounter with the divine.
During one such encounter in Shul, I was appreciating the Chazan's voice and I became envious and jealous. Not of this specific person but of the ability to praise God through music, to express emotions through music. I slipped into this state of depression and despair, because although people are always asking me to sing solo, usually they are asking me to sing so low no one can hear me.
But then all of the sudden a thought entered my mind and it warmed my soul like the opening notes of a beautiful symphony or that Asian man with one string that plays in the subway. All of the sudden a newfound sense of purpose and excitement entered my mind.
Some people have a great voice, but if everyone had a great voice there would be no such thing as great singers. Take walking for example, some people can not do it, but almost everyone is a competent walker and so nobody appreciates someone who just walks.
For music appreciation to exist some people need to listen in order for there to be great singers. There needs to be some people who can't sing, some people need to be great listeners. This great Chazan needs me just as much as I need him. We have a symbiotic relationship. My role is just as important as his.
The listener singer relationship has many similarities to the student teacher relationship . In ancient Native American culture there is a medicine/religion/philosophy practitioner called a Shaman. One can not be a Shaman unless you have a student/patient.
This is one of the Jewish peoples role in this world- to sing the praises of God with joy and excitement. This is the completion and purpose of creation, to praise God. "Let every Soul praise God, Hallelujah"